Luboš Moravec

The Life and Art

Thee sculptor Luboš Moravec was born in 1925 and died in 2010.

From 1946 to 1953 he studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague with professor J. Wágner. He occasionally worked in Wágners atelier. He executed his stuccoed relief in Kolín.

Mr. Moravec became a member of „Umělěcká beseda“ in 1954. He further pursued free creation.

The atelier in which he worked together with his wife is in on the location of a former Celtic opidium and later Slovanic settlement. This environment has influenced his spiritual approach to sculptural creation which is reflected in works such as Předkové /Ancestors/ Jezdci z Apokalypsy /Riders from the Apocalypse/.

Colour that conveys a multi-semantic message - „Painter“ - „Women“ plays the same autonomous role in his work as shape. Mr. Moravec was constantly interested in garden sculptures in which he celebrates the feminine with an almost Roman respect for the beauty of the body.

In addition to creating and chiselling his works in metal and stone himself, he sometimes colours them. He founds his sculptures on using a traditional method In a furnace for 4,000 kg or using special technologies for which he and his wife have several patents.

Art can be expressed In music, words and organic and inorganic shapes. Shapes are used by a sculptor because they can better express the subtle content so that a sculpture contains a mysterious message that is present in each artistic work.

When contemplating the sculptural development of L. Moravec so far, we can appreciate the rich poesy, philosophical contemplation and his respect for the permanent sculptural materials and values.

Collections and galleries

NG Praha
Krajská galerie Hradec Králové
Galerie výtvarného umění Cheb
1958Stockholm, Aerolinie, relief Rackové
1960Terezín, Malá pevnost
1960 - 77Federální min. zahraničních věcí prostory velvyslanectví v Ha Lisabonu, Londýně, Athénách, Katovicích, Luandě
1961Amerika, Sloup, Soukromá sbírka
1962 - 72Výstava uměleckých řemesel Káhira, Budapešť, Berlín, Kypr, Frankfurt n. Mohanem, Teherán, Mnichov
1963Berlin ZOO
1965Čína, zahradní plastika „Rodin
1970Galerie v Norimberku
1971Čsl. výstava v Polsku - Oslo
1973Mezinárodnĺ výstava zahradní plastiky, Londýn
1996 - 98Holandsko, Bohemia Art Galery
1998Holandsko, Beeldenhof, Aspen

Individual exhibitions

1961Špálova galerie, Praha - Bratislava
1962 - 62Galerie Broumov, Náchod, Česká Skalice
1988Krajská galerie Hradec Králové
1990Kostel Sv. Martina, Sázav
1992Galerie u Sv. Martina, Prah
1999Písek, Prácheňské muzeum